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Train Your Leadership Team Members to

Think Like a Fundraiser

Using the Think Like a Fundraiser Guide to train your organization's decision makers on fundraising basics. 

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Are You Struggling to Implement Good Fundraising Strategy?

Are members of your leadership team derailing your fundraising program because they don't understand fundraising basics?


Do you have too many suggestions for what your fundraising could be rather than a strategy for what is should be?


Do you struggle to get buy-in from your organization's leadership on a fundraising strategy that would be successful?


Do decision makers at your organization misunderstand where donations come from or how to get them?

Then you are not alone. And I have a solution.

Help Your Organization's Decision Makers Make Good Decisions.

If you want your leadership team on the same page about what an effective fundraising program is for your organization, then you have to teach them what fundraisers know about fundraising.

Because misunderstanding how fundraising works can hold your organization back from the kind of growth it could be having.

It Doesn't Have to Be This Way.

The Train Your Nonprofit to Think Like a Fundraiser Guide will help you facilitate exercises that you can run to teach your decision makers the fundraising basics fundraisers know.

And that knowledge will transform your organization's fundraising success. 

Take a Look at the Guide.

Don't Tell Them... SHOW them.

The best way to learn is by doing. 

Maybe you've tried explaining fundraising basics to your leadership team. And maybe that hasn't gotten you the results you're looking for.

This Guide will help you give your leadership team the fundraising foundation they need through exercises that will both teach them and engage them in the content. 

And that is how they will really learn what you need them to know about fundraising strategy.

Support Beyond the Guide

As transformational as running these exercises will be for your organization, you may not have the capacity to train your leadership team. 

Or maybe your leadership team will hear and learn better from an outside expert.

I can help.

Whether you're looking to train your board, your executive director, or other staff teams, I can create a training that is just right for your organization's needs.

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