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Grow a fundraising program that brings in the money.

Your organization has a mission to fulfill. 

So you can focus on changing the world. 

I'm not taking new clients at this time, but join my list if you'd like to stay in touch.

If you want to raise more money from individuals, you've come to the right place.

You’re an expert in your field, but as an Executive Director, you have responsibilities you’ve never been trained for. You have a big vision for your organization, but you aren’t sure how to build a fundraising program that supports it. Maybe you have great development staff doing amazing work, but you still have to raise the big bucks, and you’re not sure if you’re doing it right.


You know you could kill it at this fundraising thing if someone would just break it down for you and teach you how it's done.


I'm all about getting you on track

so you can focus on your mission.

I help you bring in more money, more donors, and larger gifts so you can fulfill your mission and implement your big vision. Your time is valuable, so we focus on creating a fundraising program that builds your expertise and maximizes your limited resources.

I've been in your shoes.

Let me save you some struggle.

I train and coach nonprofit leaders in small shops to build sophisticated fundraising programs that raise big bucks from individuals. 

I’ve been an Executive Director of small nonprofits. I’ve been a board member of small nonprofits. I know what it’s like to build fundraising programs with too few hours, too few staff, and not enough expertise. 

But I’ve also been a Major Gift Officer in a sophisticated fundraising shop and I’ve learned how to build effective donor strategies to raise big dollars. Now I apply that knowledge to smaller nonprofits like yours.

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Who's that nonprofit leader

everyone's talking about?

(Psst, it's you! And you're KILLING IT!)

It's time to step into your power as a leader, bringing in the resources that will propel your organization to the next level. 


Be the leader who transformed their organization into something powerful and impactful, who's doing big things and going places, the one everyone wants to be talking to.


It all starts with bringing in the gifts you need from individual donors to fund the programs that build toward your big vision.

Your needs are unique.

Find a program right for you.

(It's like a choose your own adventure, except you will always end in the same place—raising more money.)


You want support on your terms. When we work together, you decide what we focus on and I support your most immediate need every time.


You want me to guide you through growing your individual donor fundraising program. I work with you to build an effective program that sets you up for success using your current resources. 


Your fundraising program is a well-oiled machine…. But your board is not. I take the work off your plate and help your board become just as effective at fundraising as you are.

You can be great at this.

Raising money from individuals is simple, but it's not easy. Especially when you haven't developed the expertise you need to do it well (yet).


You're not born knowing how to fundraise well. But you absolutely can build the skills you need. And your donors really, really, really want you to.

coaching That has

immediate impact

I didn’t know what a development plan should look like before working with Megan, I just knew I needed to have one. Megan provided a model, gave me a framework that put all of the pieces in place, and asked the right questions to build a thoughtful strategy for fundraising growth. Even before we were done with the development plan, I was on track to raise $117,000 more than I would have without the plan.

— Alix Jones, Advancement Director

The Bennington Museum

You don't have to go it alone.

Start your journey today.

Find community.

Not sure if you’re on track and want to learn what other leaders are doing? Looking for a community of peers to provide you with feedback? Join the free monthly Nonprofit Leaders Fundraising Forum Zoom meeting and find the community you’ve been looking for.

Stress-Free Donor Conversations for Your Board

Your board is passionate about your organization, but they are nervous about fundraising. Download this free checklist for stress-free conversations with donors so your board members can fundraise like pros.

All the pro tips and resources galore. 

Join my email list and get a weekly shot of nonprofit fundraising and management tips and thoughts. And maybe a hint of “go get ‘em” to start your week off strong.

© 2023 by Megan Amundson Consulting. 

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